
  • Counseling Ministry

    Counseling Ministry
    The model of care at Crossroads, known as biblical counseling, is closely aligned with the Christian Counseling and Education Foundation (CCEF). Read More...

  • Care Groups

    Care Groups
    We have 4 Care Groups that meet in homes for prayer, fellowship and further study. It is a great place to grow and get to know others in the church, becoming connected.

  • Christian Education

    Christian Education
    We offer Christian Education Classes for all ages following the Worship Service.

  • Men’s Ministry

    Men’s Ministry
    The men of Crossroads get together to build friendships, pray, study the Word, and hold each other accountable.

  • Music Ministry

    Music Ministry
    Crossroads Music Ministry seeks to lead the congregation to worship the living God with one voice, to give Him glory, and respond to Him with humility and worship.

  • Special Needs Ministry

    Special Needs Ministry
    Life is better for all of us when the body of Christ incorporates all of the differing abilities of its various members.

  • Women’s Ministry

    Women’s Ministry
    The women of Crossroads love opportunities to spend time together and offer one another encouragement, support, and friendship.

  • Children’s/Nursery Ministry

    Children’s/Nursery Ministry
    Having the opportunity to care for children is a precious gift from God. As members of the body of Christ children have a significant role in the life and health of the church.

  • Missions

    Crossroads supports many Missions including Hope to the Hill, and Tun Tavern Fellowship