Music Ministry

Real worship is about more than enjoying music, and it is about more than what we do on Sunday morning. Worship starts with the heart; recognizing our brokenness and need for redemption, and coming to know God as He has revealed Himself through His Word. Crossroads Music Ministry seeks to lead the congregation to worship the living God with one voice, to give Him glory, and respond to Him with humility and worship.

• Our Music – God’s Word is central to our songs; it defines not only who God is but how we are to approach the true God who is worthy of our praise. As the psalmists showed us, true worship focuses on the living God rather than ourselves, but we respond with authentic, God-directed emotions. Our worship should include praises, laments, prayers of confession, and prayers of thanksgiving.

• Our Resources – Music at Crossroads reflects a variety of musical styles and includes psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. Our resources include hymns from the Trinity Hymnal, Celebration Hymnal and others; Psalms from The Book of Psalms for Singing; modernized hymns and psalms from groups such as Indelible Grace, Passion, Sovereign Grace Music, and Getty Music; as well a variety of God-centered praise songs. We utilize both traditional and contemporary instrumentation.

The fact is, it’s not about us. It’s not about our gifts, our musical preferences, our experiences, or background. It’s about God and His work in and through us! God has called us to worship Him in spirit and truth, and in fact is seeking this kind of worshiper. Whether we are singing our favorite hymn on Sunday morning with the saints, or sitting in an unexpected logjam on the beltway, we are called to worship. At that moment, when we choose to turn to God and give Him glory rather than ourselves, we worship.

If you are interested learning more about the Crossroads' Music Ministry or would like more information about opportunities to serve on the praise team, sound team, or seasonal choir, please contact Hannah Jinks, Director of Music at