Christian Education Classes - Fall 2017

Christian Education – Fall 2017

Sundays from 11:15 - 12:15

September 3 through November 26

 Preschool (Ages 3–5): Preschoolers will focus on God’s plan for families, David, and Elisha and Elijah. Taught by Kristi and Fritz Thornton.Younger Elementary (Grades 1–3): Younger elementary will focus on God’s design for families. Taught by Amy and John Stolnis.Older Elementary (Grades 4–6): Older elementary will study Genesis, The Book of Beginnings. Taught by Maria Dunn.Youth Group (Grades 7-12): Youth will attend Evangelism ExplosionFriendship Class (Special Needs Education)  Choose Courage: Those with disabilities will be learning the Spirit-enabled courage of Joshua and Caleb. Taught by Peggy Van Lowe and one adult/teen mentor for each student. Adult Education Exploring Crossroads: What is Crossroads all about? Come learn the basics of how our faith and practice are rooted in the glory of the triune God’s free grace received through faith in Jesus Christ as illuminated in the sacred pages of Scripture. This class is required for all seeking membership. Taught by Pastor Don Sampson. Evangelism Explosion: Ever been in a situation where you had the chance to share your faith, yet fumbled through presenting some aspects of the Gospel? Learn to share your faith with confidence and in turn share your faith those around you. If you are not familiar with Evangelism Explosion, visit to read more in depth. covenant now and forever. Taught by George Roller and other EE Trained Members.


2 Timothy 2:20-26


Revelation 21:1-5