Christian Education Classes - Fall 2018

Christian Education – Fall 2018Nursery: Children in the nursery will learn who Jesus is, that he is alive, and how to trust God. Taught by Heidi Wethered and friends.Preschool - Grade 1: Preschoolers will learn who Jesus is, that he is alive, and how to trust God.Younger Elementary (Grades 2–4): By studying prophets and kings from the Old Testament, we will explore their lives and learn what it means to obey God. Taught by John Stolnis.Older Elementary (Grades 5–8): Matthew to John: preteens and young teens will study all four Gospels in a way they never have before. Taught by Andrew and Missy Detwiler.Youth Group (Grades 9-12): What is the church? Why are there problems in the church? Do students need the church? Do any of us? Believers often think that the only thing that matters is a one-on-one relationship with God, alone and in private. But what does God think? Taught by Josh Kiihne.Friendship Class (Special Needs Education) Pray.!?: Looking for a fresh perspective, new tools, and inspiration for your conversations with God? This unit on prayer will invite you into new ways and reasons to “pray continually.” Taught by Peggy Van Lowe and one adult/teen mentor for each student. Adult Education The Pursuit of Our Co-Mission: Explore the decisive moments in the church which can better inform our decisions today. Examine the ups and downs of the church in carrying out The Great Commission. Taught by Chuck Assadourian


Deuteronomy Chapter 6


Acts 6:1-7