Crossroads - Mercy Fund

Obedient to Christ, Crossroads desires to minister to people in need.  To that end, we have always set money aside for ministry to people in need, both inside and outside the congregation.  This year, to emphasize the singular purpose of this ministry, we have decided to give this ministry its own fund.  Donations can be made directly to the mercy fund as the Spirit leads.  Simply make out the check to "Crossroads PCA" with "Mercy Fund" in the memo line, and the funds will be deposited accordingly.  Quarterly, we will publish the Mercy Ministry fund amount in the church bulletin, along with the balances in the general account and the building fund.  For more information about our Mercy Ministry, contact Bill Tapolcai at 703-730-9315 or email:


National Day of Prayer - Thursday, May 6th


The Battle Belongs to the Lord