Crossroads Picnic and Silent Auction - Thank You

Dear Crossroads,
Despite the rain the picnic and auction were a great success.  I have a feeling that this picnic will be one we won't forget for quite a while (especially for those holding the tarp over the grill).  First, a BIG THANK YOU goes out to all those who diligently worked behind the scenes.  A second thank you goes out to those who donated auction items/services.  Last but not least, thanks to those who have prayerfully considered how they could participate in raising money for the Building Fund.  Your genorosity at the picnic helped to raise $2,306 ($4,612 matched).
If you won an item in the auction checks should be made payable to Crossroads PCA (memo line: Building Fund Auction) and mail or hand them to Cindy Riggle by June 20.
Lost and Found: 1 small black umbrella and one large black and tan umbrella. Call the church office if you would like to claim them.
Thanks again for your support both prayerfully and financially.

Crossroads Car Wash Fundraising Event - Saturday, June 26


Summer Christian Education Classes - June 6 - August 29