Crossroads Picnic and Silent Auction - Thank You
Dear Crossroads,
Despite the rain the picnic and auction were a great success. I have a feeling that this picnic will be one we won't forget for quite a while (especially for those holding the tarp over the grill). First, a BIG THANK YOU goes out to all those who diligently worked behind the scenes. A second thank you goes out to those who donated auction items/services. Last but not least, thanks to those who have prayerfully considered how they could participate in raising money for the Building Fund. Your genorosity at the picnic helped to raise $2,306 ($4,612 matched).
If you won an item in the auction checks should be made payable to Crossroads PCA (memo line: Building Fund Auction) and mail or hand them to Cindy Riggle by June 20.
Lost and Found: 1 small black umbrella and one large black and tan umbrella. Call the church office if you would like to claim them.
Thanks again for your support both prayerfully and financially.