Fall Sunday School - Starts Sunday, September 13th

FALL 2020 SUNDAY SCHOOL for Adults and ChildrenDear church family,Faced with the restrictions that we are now experiencing the Session has decided to take a different approach to Fall Sunday School beginning on September 13th. We wish to bring unity in our congregation in the doctrines that we believe. So, we have chosen to ask everyone, children and adults, to study the Westminster Shorter Catechism at home. So, please purchase at Amazon books the book, The Westminster Shorter Catechism for Study Classes written by G.I. Williamson for $8.95. Each chapter contains a short explanation to the question and answer for each week and has questions to be answered at the end of each chapter. Attached is a syllabus for everyone to use. We are asking the parents to teach their children at home. We believe that this will be a very rewarding exercise for all adults and children. Singles may want to study together. We encourage you to choose a regular time each Sunday for this exercise. It is designed, so that you should finish in an hour or less. We also encourage further discussion of the doctrines, when we meet with each other in various settings. If you have any questions, please ask a member of the Session for the answer.On behalf of the Session,Pastor Brian


Care Groups - Fall 2020


Eyewitness Enthusiasm