Justice League of Heaven - Genesis 18:16-33

https://www.crossroadspca.net/wp-content/uploads/05-Crossroads-Sermon-2014-05-18.mp3Justice_League_of_America_(FOUNDERS)Did you ever read comic books or enjoy watching one of the recent Avengers movies? If so you are probably also familiar with The Justice League of America. The Justice League was made up of all the DC Comic Books greats: Wonder Woman, Batman, Green Lantern, Superman and others. Their whole mission was about bringing justice and righteousness into the world. With some modifications the same can be said of the Church of Jesus Christ, the seed of Abraham - we are the Justice League of Heaven.As those who know that they are secured a home in the new heavens and earth by grace through faith in Jesus we may wonder how living lives of justice and righteousness fits into the life of the Church. Maybe we are even tempted to think that justice and righteousness are for people caught up with being self-righteous. Certainly humans, in their rebellion against God, have shown the propensity for using their good works to turn their nose up at the world. But, when understood in the right way we see that justice and righteousness are simply the right response to  God's mercy towards us. Living lives of justice and righteousness, God says, is what God called Abraham to do so that all the nations would be blessed. For you and I who have trusted in Jesus Christ, the Offspring of Abraham, we too have been ingrafted into the people of Abraham; through faith in Jesus Christ's death and resurrection on our behalf we have been given redemptive roles. As God says in Genesis 18:17-19, the nations will be blessed when Abraham and his household live up to their calling - to live lives of justice and righteousness.So, suit up Wonder Woman! Get your tights on Green Lantern! The Just and Righteous Lord of Heaven has forgiven you, adopted you and gifted you with his Holy Spirit so that you can help further the work of the greatest bunch of superheros ever - the Justice League of Heaven.Questions for Conversation- We learned about how God displays justice and righteousness through being non-prejudiced in his judgments of others, through hearing out the oppressed and correcting the oppressor, and by being more concerned to bless the world than to condemn. Which of these makes you admire God most? Why?- Who were your heros growing up? Why? Did they display aspects of justice and righteousness?- Where have you experienced injustice in life? Does that motivate you to want to address that injustice in life?- We learned that Abraham demonstrated the way of the Lord by interceding for Sodom and Gomorrah. Who do you have a hard time loving but need to begin praying for their good?


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