Music Notes Spring 2010

Like the psalmist who declared, "Sing a new song to the Lord!", we too enjoy learning new songs together at Crossroads.  But often it is hard to truly worship when the song is unfamiliar.  Sometimes we will sing new songs during the offertory and ask you to sing along as it becomes comfortable.  However, some of you might like to know what songs the praise team is preparing for corporate worship ahead of time, so that you can add them to your personal devotions.  Our overall desire is that you come prepared to worship our God together, with one voice.   Here are the new songs for our current sermon series on I Samuel.By Faith                                  by Keith and Kristyn Getty and Stuart Townsend.  As we consider I Samuel together under Don’s teaching, we are reminded that others have walked the path of faith before us, like David, who was a “man after God’s own heart.”  (Hebrews 11)Glorious and Mighty          by Joel Sczebel, Todd Twining, and Bob Kauflin.  There’s just nothing better than worshipping God together through the Psalms.  Here the psalmist shows us how to sing of God’s glory and might and beauty. (Psalm 96)The Lord Is                             by Pat Sczebel and Bob Kauflin.    As we study together David’s life, we see a man with real nitty-gritty life problems (not unlike you and I!), who nonetheless relied on God to lead him and give him rest. (Psalm 23)Come People of the Risen King       by Keith and Kristyn Getty and Stuart Townsend.  Preparing our hearts to celebrate Easter, we are reminded of Christ’s unmistakable power over sin and death as He was raised to new life.  In corporate worship, we come as people of the risen King, indeed.These and other songs are available for download at iTunes via Crossroads Worship Spring 2010.  For more information please contact Linda at


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