Prayer Focus for Algeria - Sunday, August 16

alge-MMAP-smAlgeria, Africa: Algerians in Europe exceed four million; many are there illegally. They are more accessible to the gospel in Europe, but also to Islamic preaching. Pray for the network of agencies and churches seeking to reach them (AWM, WEC, Avant and others). Pray for discipling of individuals and planting of Arabic- and Berber-speaking congregations that can then be channels for the gospel to their homeland. Bible translation and distribution are fraught with obstacles and restrictions. Translation work is proceeding in a few Berber languages and in Algerian Arabic, a language spoken by up to 25 million people; most do not understand Standard Arabic. Pray for rapid completion of these projects and for the transfer of these resources into safer and less conspicuous media. The government ban on importing Bibles is a major obstacle to the discipleship and maturation of the Church; pray that the rapidly growing community of believers might have adequate access to Scripture. For more information visit


Prayer Focus for American Samoa - Sunday, August 23


Mark 1:1-15