Prayer Focus for El Salvador - Sunday, July 10

elsa-MMAP-smRecovery from the social and psychological wounds of centuries of oppression and 12 years of civil war is a priority. The web of violence, hate, suspicion, atrocities and murder will take time to unravel. At the height of the war, 20% of the population fled the country, and the USA poured in $6 billion to shore up the government. Overall, more than 75,000 were killed. Pray for repentance, reconciliation and a fair society based on respect for human rights.The impact of Christian institutions and media is wide-ranging and ever-increasing. There are three Christian universities, around 80 Christian schools, five TV stations and 30 radio stations. Those leading these ministries can enrich themselves if they seek to do so, or they can have a real Kingdom impact on society. Pray for the latter.


John 17:20-26


God Still Desires Those Who Worship Him IN TRUTH