Prayer Focus for Equatorial Guinea - Sunday, July 17

equa-MMAP-smThe vast majority are Roman Catholic, the highest percentage of any African nation. But beneath the surface of the imposed colonial religion lies the reality that animistic beliefs and practices were never abandoned. Pray that the 85% who claim Christianity – without having been born again – might hear and respond to the true gospel of Jesus Christ.An encouraging increase in religious freedom has occurred alongside a number of newer, growing Pentecostal, charismatic and evangelical denominations (AoG, Deeper Life, several indigenous denominations). Pray for purity of life and fervency of evangelism in the churches despite the prevailing poverty, corruption and despair. The government has actually been quite positive about the potential role of the Church and missions in developing society, a much-needed foil to the oil-oriented multinational corporations. 


John 20:19-23


John 17:20-26