Prayer Focus for Estonia - Sunday, July 31

esto-MMAP-smEstonia is a former-Soviet success story, as the small nation transitions to a more Western economy and political structure. However, poverty is not vanquished, and materialism’s influence grows. There is a crisis of values, recognized even by the media and the state, as secularism and pluralism tighten their grip. Pray for righteousness and biblical values to be modelled by a wise and upright government.Religious freedom is an open door to Christian ministry but also to theological error. Many marginal Christian sects are increasing in number and influence – Mormons have more missionaries in Estonia than any Christian agency has there. While actual practitioners are few, a recent poll showed 11% of Estonians expressed warmest feelings toward pre-Christian pagan religions. Pray for the truth and light of Christ to be established in this new marketplace of religious options.


Ordination Service


Our God is a Jealous God