Prayer Focus for South Africa - Sunday, November 23

Challenge for Prayer

Christianity faces many challenges – not least is the question of how a nation that is 75% Christian can be crippled by poverty, violence, crime, AIDS and racial strife. Yet, believers are at the forefront of addressing all of these issues in many ways. Pray for:a) A prophetic voice for the Church in a society that no longer holds to moral absolutes, and where the post-Christian worldview has centre stage in the media and has pushed through legalization of abortion, gay marriage, pornography, prostitution and gambling. Groups such as The Evangelical Alliance, Christian Action and Christians for Truth mobilize believers to oppose legislation that contravenes biblical standards and to reinforce positive laws.b) Transformational ministry. South Africa needs the Church to step even further into radical engagement with all the ills besetting society. The life-changing power of the gospel can bring about change that no government policy ever will, but Christians must make the sacrifices, take the risks and live out Christ’s love in the hard places. The temptation to withdraw to a safe, comfortable, but unengaged existence is ever-present.c) Unfinished church planting. To effectively reach and then disciple the millions of unchurched (but usually nominally Christian) South Africans, an estimated 30,000 further congregations are needed.d) Deep reconciliation. Since evangelicals were slow to denounce apartheid, divisions and unfinished business remain. A number of denominations have gone through painful periods in dealing with the past. The Evangelical Alliance of South Africa now offers a context for churches to work out healing and develop unity. More work is required for real trust, understanding and cooperation to fully develop across cultural barriers. Pray that the whole Church may put the sad conflicts of the past to rest and demonstrate the powerful reality of unity in Jesus.e) Revival, particularly in mainline denominations. While there is much spiritual life, there also is much traditionalism, nominalism and “churchianity” in the Dutch Reformed family of churches, Anglicans, Methodists and others.sout-MMAP-sm


Genesis 50:22-Exodus 1:14


We Are Special