Prayer Focus for Sudan - Sunday, December 14

Sudan, Africa: Sudanese Christian leaders have achieved so much against great odds. Many even lost their lives in serving Jesus. Few have opportunity for formal theological education. The sheer number of young converts overwhelms the number of trained pastors.Theological training institutions. Trained pastors are a great need due to rapid church growth. All major denominations have Bible colleges and/or seminaries; altogether there are around 50 in the country. Large numbers of Sudanese also undertake theological studies abroad. Besides solid biblical teaching and discipleship methods, pastors and Christian leaders need to acquire skills in AIDS ministry, conflict resolution, trauma counselling and reconciliation ministry. Pray for the provision of facilities, staff and students adequate to shape the future of Sudanese Christianity.www.operationworld.orgsuda-MMAP-sm


We're on the Right Track - Amos 9:11-15


No Justice, No Peace - Micah 5:1-6