Prayer Focus for Tajikistan - Sunday, January 25

Tajikistan, Asia: Expatriate involvement. Tajikistan, with its great social and spiritual needs, is ripe for Christian ministry done sensitively and appropriately. Relief and development are much-needed and fruitful ministries, as are education and business training. Young people, prisoners, drug addicts and women in difficult situations are particularly responsive. Pray for the calling and entry of more long-term personnel. Pray for ethnically related Iranian Christians to become witnesses; they could play a unique role in winning Tajiks to Jesus. Tajiks number 13 million in Central Asia. For nearly a thousand years, there was no significant outreach to Tajiks. Now, in addition to more than 1,000 believers in Tajikistan, there are a greater number of Tajik believers in Afghanistan as well as some in Pakistan and Uzbekistan. Pray for further growth, and pray for the establishment of a truly indigenous Tajik Church – this is beginning to happen as Tajik church leaders emerge. Pray especially for unity in this young expression of Christ’s body.  (


The Book of Nahum - January 25, 2015


January 18, 2015