Prayer Focus for Tunisia - Sunday, March 22

tuni-MMAP-smTunisia, Africa: Leadership is gradually developing for the groups of national believers, but prayer is needed for their spiritual growth and for more leaders. As in many other countries with nascent churches, the relationship between national and expatriate Christians can benefit from prayer; praise God for the shared vision that does exist for reaching the rest of Tunisia. Practical holiness and accountability need to be demonstrated. Pray that anointed and tolerant leaders may be raised up for this time, and that the right means for their spiritual and pastoral growth might be developed. The Christian population is predominantly nominal, expatriate and Catholic, and is only a fraction of its pre-independence size. There are two functioning Protestant denominations – Anglican and French Reformed. The relocation of a large international development organization to Tunis has resulted in Sunday church attendance in most churches tripling. Pray that these expat Christians, mostly Africans, would find opportunities to relate to their Tunisian neighbours. Pray also for compassion and a persevering, servant spirit in situations that require sensitivity and wisdom.  (


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