Prayer Focus for Turkey - Sunday, March 29

turk-MMAP-smTurkey, Asia: Pray for: a) Those who are called, equipped and gifted for tentmaking ministries in this land where sharing the gospel must be done with tact and sensitivity, but also with boldness and clarity. Business as mission is a growing area, but faces challenges with visas, taxes and unethical business competition. Being a Christian worker in Turkey is not an easy ministry, despite its rewards. Pray for each worker to have a good testimony that glorifies Christ and shows love and respect for the people of Turkey. b) Opportunities for ministry that expose the whole country to the gospel. Most Christian expatriates engage in teaching, study, business or enter on tourist visas. Few have ever lived in eastern Anatolia, the Black Sea coast or the interior provinces – these are some of the spiritually hardest places for Christians to live and minister. Pray that Christ-like lives of service and love may help break down long-held barriers to the gospel. (


Leviticus 16 and Ritual Purity


Leviticus and Sacrifice