Prayer Focus for Uruguay - Sunday, May 31


Challenges for Prayer

Missions vision is still limited, but interest is growing. At least two Uruguayan mission agencies send workers (Avance and Desafio Mundial). There are active international sending bodies such as OM, YWAM, Baptists and AoG. Pray for the growth in Uruguay to mature into a vibrant missionary-sending movement.The less-reached:a) The Jews are concentrated in Montevideo. JAMI has a small witness among them. There is some openness to the gospel.b) The Chinese and Japanese communities. There is very little ministry.c) The Palestinians living in several border towns. Desafio Mundial focuses on them.d) The upper middle-class living along Montevideo’s coast are probably the largest unevangelized group in the country; in their relative affluence, they are isolated from the gospel.e) The poor are a growing segment of society, even as the middle-class shrinks. Many children are born into poverty. Slums are popping up around the urban areas. CMS runs a shelter for the homeless in Montevideo. Pray that the many new churches would mobilize to reach this needy group.


Prayer Focus for the Virgin Islands - Sunday, June 7


Hello world!