Prayer Focus for Venezuela - Sunday, June 28

vene-MMAP-smVenezuela, Latin America: Challenges facing the churches. The need is for: a) Commitment to discipleship. Confronted with poverty, political activism and outright spiritual warfare, believers need to make wise choices. A life of true discipleship is not easy, and full-time ministry is even more of a challenge. b) Unity is essential for further growth and for the power to stand up to opposition. Cooperation is higher than ever before through the work of the Evangelical Council of Venezuela (representing 150 Christian groups), Amanacer/DAWN and others.

  1. c) Theological orthodoxy. Spiritual error has crept into many churches through prosperity teaching, legalism or unbiblical practices instituted by misguided leaders. For more information visit

The Spirit-ual Practice of Forgiveness


Prayer Focus for Vanuatu - Sunday, June 21