Prayer Focus for Yemen - Sunday, July 12

yeme-MMAP-smYemen, Asia: Yemen has suffered almost unending conflict over the last four decades – three civil wars, conflict with neighboring states, the effects of the Gulf War, Somalia’s collapse into anarchy, the Ethiopian/Eritrean war and tribal skirmishes. Tensions between Shi’a and Sunni Muslims make Yemen ripe for sectarian violence, to the point of insurgencies or even outright civil war. The treasured right of Yemenis to bear arms fuels tribal rivalries, while kidnapping, crime and sabotage are common forms of protest and fundraising. There are between three and four firearms for each person in the country. Pray for a fair and just government that will bring about national unity and peace. For more information visit


Prayer Focus for Zambia - Sunday, July 19


The Duty of a Shepherd