Winter Christian Education Classes Started - December 6, 2009

Winter 2009 Christian Education Classes started on December 6 through February 28, 2009 Sundays 9:15-10:15a.m.

It's not too late to join a class, so please pray and think about which class you might like to attend.

Children (Age 2 through 6th grade)1.   Nursery (Ages 2-3).  Students will learn about the birth and stories of Jesus, God’s Son, in the New Testament.  Taught by Marcy Naylor and Andrea Williams in Room 130.2.   Preschool (Ages 4-5).  Jesus Is God’s Son – Follow Jesus from the manger to the Mount of Transfiguration.  Taught by Tina Willsher in Room 131.3.   Younger Elementary (Grades 1 & 2).  Loving Jesus – Loving the promise of the Savior; meeting him and responding to him.  Taught by Alix Davis in Room 132.4.   Middle Elementary (Grades 3 & 4).  Listening to Jesus – The teachings of Jesus from the Gospels.  Taught by Rebecca McAfee in Room 125.5.   Older Elementary (Grades 5 & 6). Exodus to Ruth – The redemptive acts of God in dealing with his covenant people.  Taught by John Davis in Room 134.6.   Junior Highs (Grades 7-9).  The King Comes – How Matthew’s Gospel fulfills Old Testament messianic promises.  Taught by Kevin & Rachael McMullen in Room 102.


1.   Exodus:  Lessons Learned in the Departure, Part 2.  This engaging, interactive, Bible study will conclude, using family-centered participation, examine God’s work in the lives of His people, with a mind to practical application in our own lives.  Whether you are in your teens or your 80s, you will learn valuable lessons in how to face the challenges of life and triumph by God’s help.  Even if you missed last quarter’s portion of this class, you will still learn many valuable lessons from God’s work with his people.  Taught by Fritz Thornton in Room 113. 2.   The First Epistle of John:  What It Means to Love.  The Apostle John, “the disciple whom Jesus loved” has written a letter to all Christians that teaches what love is and is not.  Join us for an interactive, discussion-based study of this important topic, so that we may learn to love others as God has loved us.  Taught by Chris Braddy in Room 100.3.   Prayer Warriors.  This “class” is a time for Crossroads people to gather and pray together.  A handout is provided each week to guide us in praising God and praying for Crossroads, personal needs, and the needs of Christians throughout the world.  You can come and pray aloud with us, or just sit and pray along silently as others pray.  Please come join ordinary folks in approaching our extraordinarily gracious God who promises that he delights when his people pray.  Led by Chris Luther in Room 121.4.   Friendship Class (Special Needs).  God, Our Father – Focuses on the Old Testament to learn of God’s creation, God’s relationship with his people, and God’s promise to send a Savior.  Taught by a group teacher and one adult/teen mentor for each student in Room 104.    “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.”         2 Timothy 2:15


Crossroads Christmas Choir


Women's Literary Night - December 4, 2009