Women's Ministries September 2014 - May 2015


  • Tuesdays, 9:30am @ Nancy Sampson’s home; led by Nancy Sampson. Gospel Love, World Harvest Mission (Serge).
  • Fridays, 9:30am @ Amy Stolnis’ home; led by Linda Neice. Extravagant Grace: God’s Glory Displayed in Our Weakness, Barbara Duguid. Childcare provided.
  • Sundays, 7:30pm @ Dorothy Carroll’s home; led by Dorothy Carroll. Philippians; with If You Want to Walk on Water, You’ve Got to Get Out of the Boat, John Ortberg.

14th DAY LADIES: FELLOWSHIP WITH A FOCUSAll Crossroads women are invited to enjoy these events, which are held on the 14th of every month and on a rotating basis highlight the following three areas:

  • Gals’ night out: Meet at 7pm at a local restaurant for an opportunity to decompress together from the day’s stressors!
  • Encouragement through testimony: Gather at one of our homes for snacks, coffee, and the chance to hear about what God is doing in one of our sisters’ lives.
  • Learning together: Come to the church these evenings to learn about and discuss Bible passages, today’s issues, and other practical matters of Christian living.

TOPICAL WORKSHOPSSometimes scheduled as 14th Day Ladies “Learning Together” events, these are evening workshops held at the church in which we’ll explore daily discipleship concerns, like managing your finances (March 14) or determining how to utilize today’s incredible technologies in a god-honoring way (November 1). RETREAT“Biblical Womanhood: Generation to Generation.” Susan Hunt, presenter. October 24-25 (7-9pm on the 24th and 9am-12pm on the 25th). Faith Church, Frederick, MD. Cost is $20, not including shared hotel costs for the evening of the 24th. Registration required. For more information, visit http://faithreformed.org/womens-conference-2014. If you’d like to attend, please contact Linda Neice (lindaneice@crossroadspca.net). WOMEN’S MINISTRY CALENDAR2014-2015Sept. 14 (Sunday), 6:30pm: 2014-15 Women’s Ministry Kick-off at the Boys and Girls Club. Drinks and hors d’oeuvres provided. Come hear what we have planned for the coming school year!Sept. 16 (Tuesday), 9:30am: Weekly Bible Study at Nancy Sampson’s home begins. Gospel Love, World Harvest Mission (Serge). Led by Nancy Sampson.Sept. 19 (Friday), 9:30am: Weekly Bible Study at Amy Stolnis’ home begins. Extravagant Grace: God’s Glory Displayed in Our Weakness, Barbara Duguid. Led by Linda Neice.Sept. 21 (Sunday), 7:30pm: Weekly Bible Study at Dorothy Carroll’s home begins. Philippians ; with If You Want to Walk on Water, You’ve Got to Get Out of the Boat, John Ortberg. Led by Dorothy Carroll.Oct. 14 (Tuesday), 7:00pm: Meet at Giorgios in Montclair for dinner and/or dessert!Oct. 24-25 (Friday-Saturday): Women’s Retreat in Frederick, MD. We’ll be staying together in a hotel and attending the “Biblical Womanhood: Generation to Generation” conference at Faith Church. Susan Hunt, presenter.Nov. 1 (Saturday), 7:00pm: Workshop on “Technology & Godly Living” at the Boys and Girls Club. Led by Linda Neice.Nov. 14 (Friday), 7:00pm: Enjoy a time of fellowship at Nancy Sampson’s home, while hearing one of your sisters share her testimony of God’s work in her life.Nov. 23 (Sunday), 6:00pm: CROSSROADS’ PIE AND PRAISE (Thanksgiving celebration)Dec. 14 (Sunday), 6:00pm: CROSSROADS’ COOKIES AND CAROLS (Christmas celebration)Jan. 14 (Wednesday), 7:00pm: Meet at Giorgios in Montclair for dinner and/or dessert!Jan. 18, 20 & 23: Women’s Spring Bible Studies begin. (Subject to change.)Feb. 14 (Saturday), 7:00pm: Pizza and Game Night at the Boys and Girls Club! (Details TBD. Date subject to change.)Mar. 14 (Saturday), 7:00pm: Workshop on “Tips to Managing Your Finances” at the Boys and Girls Club. Led by Amy Stolnis and Nancy Sampson.Apr. 14 (Tuesday), 7:00pm: Meet at Giorgios in Montclair for dinner and/or dessert!May 14 (Thursday), 7:00pm: Enjoy a time of fellowship at Maria Dunn’s home, while hearing one of your sisters share her testimony of God’s work in her life.


Ephesians 3:14-4:1


Judges 3:12-30