Prayer Focus for Brunei, Asia - February 7, 2016

Prayer for the unreached.a) The Malay majority are Muslim with a handful of Christians, none daring to publicly make his or her faith known. There is little reason for people to change their spiritual status quo; pray for the Spirit to move in the hearts of Malays.b) The Chinese lack security and are still regarded as foreigners, even if born in Brunei. Most still follow the traditional religions of China or are secular. Less than 20% are Christian and, of those, many do not pursue the Christian life. Chinese Christian businessmen from Brunei and from abroad have significant potential to impact Brunei economically and spiritually.c) Tribal peoples have either converted to Islam and then been absorbed into the mainstream of national life, or they have remained isolated in jungle villages. Pray for those still in villages; there is a fairly strong Church and witness to them.


Prayer Focus for Bulgaria - Sunday, February 14


Mark 6:7-13