Prayer Focus for Bulgaria - Sunday, February 14

bulg-MMAP-smBulgaria, Europe: Pray for Bulgarian-speaking Muslims in the south have an identity crisis – rejected both by Bulgarians (religion) and Turks (language); a specific ministry is needed to reach them. Only a handful of congregations exist among them, but Bulgarian workers have increased focused prayer and church planting work among this group in recent years. Foreign missions have traditionally found Bulgaria a tricky place in which to minister, yet missionaries and tentmakers who will learn the culture and language are still needed and can play a valuable role. Pray for: a) More workers for the field. There are increasingly open doors and opportunities to serve the Church in Bulgaria through training, teaching and serving. Partnering with nationals to reach the unreached minorities is also a need. b) Missions and money. A sudden and disproportional injection of foreign funds in the 1990s created dependent churches and a negative bias against evangelicals who “buy” converts. A focus on humanitarian work further painted evangelicals with the brush that the gospel is only for the poor and illiterate. Every infusion of money is both extremely useful and potentially damaging. Pray for great wisdom in the use of funds, and against overdependence upon such resources.  For more information go to


Matthew 28:16-20


Prayer Focus for Brunei, Asia - February 7, 2016